Partitions Editor

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The Partitions Editor is placed within the Table Editor dialog. It allows you to set up table partitioning options, modify the list of table partitions and subpartitions as well as partition properties. Click the Partitions tab of the Table Editor to manage table partitions.


Please note:
Table partitioning was introduced with MySQL 5.1 version. This is quite complicated feature of MySQL with a lot of options, settings and restrictions. You can find more about partitioning in MySQL Manual at http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/partitioning.html

Partitions tab consists of following areas:

Allows to set up basic partitioning options

If table has two levels of partitioning (subpartitions) this options group allows to set up subpartitioning options.

Partitions and subpartitions
This table displays all table partitions and subpartitions according to settings in two previous areas. It allows you to define properties of particular partitions and subpartitions.


Defines subpartitioning type

Allows to add LINEAR attribute for KEY and HASH sub-partitioning types

Number of partitions
Defines number of sub-partitions for every partition in a table

Allows to define expr part of PARTITION BY RANGE|LIST|HASH|KEY (expr) statement.


Defines partitioning type

Allows to add LINEAR attribute for KEY and HASH partitioning types

Number of partitions
Defines number of partitions for table

Allows to define expr part of SUBPARTITION BY RANGE|LIST|HASH|KEY (expr) statement.

Partitions and subpartitions

This table allows you to set up options (such as name, storage engine or expr part of LESS THAN(expr) statement) for particular partition or subpartition.

See also:
Diagram Objects: Table Editor