"Preview" tab

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This tab shows you SQL representation of your diagram. To open this dialog window, please, select Diagram | Diagram Properties from the ribbon-menu, or click on the Properties menu item in diagram's popup menu. Then switch to the Preview tab.

SQL-script is shown in Text Editor in read-only mode with syntax highlighting. So you can save script to file, copy to clipboard and so.

Please note:
We recommend to use this tab only during first stages of creating diagram just to preview database creation code, may be some tables creation code. When diagram becomes large opening this tab can take a lot of time. And you are not able to change any SQL-generation options or select which objects to generate. Also diagram is not checked before SQL-code generation.
You need to use Generate Database dialog to generate physical database from diagram.

See also:
Diagram: "General" tab | "Default Database Options" tab | "Pages" tab | "Notes" tab | "Statistics" tab
Database Functions: Database Generation