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Graphical User's Interface (GUI) in version 2 is based on Ribbon (like that found in MS Office 2007). Ribbon is a set of Tabs with buttons, drop-down controls and other controls that provide you with access to the Database Designer for MySQL functions. Controls on every Tab are grouped to Tab Groups.


Some Tab Groups have also Context Options buttons used to call options dialog specific to this Tab Group.

Application Button is used to open Application Menu with most important application actions such as opening-saving-creating new diagrams, printing and so on.

There is also Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) right next to Application Button. You can add most used actions to this special toolbar by using context-menu (right mouse button click) for every button on Ribbon. You can use QAT item's context menu (right mouse button click) to delete items from QAT. By default there are Open, Save and Undo commands added to QAT. You can also select whether QAT is placed below or above the Ribbon.

Whole Ribbon can be minimized if you don't have enough screen-space for diagram. You can minimize Ribbon by double-clicking left mouse button on Tab header or use "Minimize the Ribbon" context-menu item.

See also:
Workspace: Main Window Organization