ACL Manager allows you to add, edit and delete objects' privileges within the diagram. To open ACL Manager, select the Diagram | Privileges Manager menu item. Privileges tab ACL Manager contains a grid that represents objects available in the diagram and their access control lists (ACL). The columns in the grid are as follows: Name The name of an object and role names privileges for which to be created.
Privileges ACL (Access Control List) value in the PostgreSQL representation: r - SELECT ("read") w - UPDATE ("write") a - INSERT ("append") d - DELETE D - TRUNCATE x - REFERENCES t - TRIGGER X - EXECUTE U - USAGE C - CREATE c - CONNECT T - TEMPORARY * - grant option for preceding privilege. The buttons below the list allow you to perform the following actions: Add - add a new ACL entry with the default properties to the selected object; Duplicate - add a new ACL entry with the same properties as the selected ACL entry; Delete - remove the selected ACL entry from the list. Up - move the selected ACL entry up one position. Down - move the selected ACL entry down one position.
Preview tab The Preview tab displays the SQL statement, which will be executed during the database generation. This statement is made up according to the changes you have made using the previous tabs. Please note that the text within the editor is read-only. The content of this tab updates only when your press the Apply button. |