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Rereads the field values of the current record from a data source.


function RefreshRecord: Boolean;


Use RefreshRecord to discard all the changes of the current record and reread it from a data source.

To reread the record, DAC for MySQL performs the following sequence of steps:

· If TMySQLDataSet.UpdateObject is assigned and TMySQLUpdateSQL.RefreshRecordSQL is not empty, then this SQL command is executed.

· Otherwise DAC for MySQL generates a SELECT command that rereads a single row from the database and executes the command.

If the query to a data source returns no rows (for example, when a record is deleted), then when TMySQLDataSet.Options.RefreshDelete is True, a record is removed from a dataset, otherwise an exception is raised.

The method returns True if a record is refreshed. Otherwise, it returns False if it is deleted from a dataset.