Please see TMySQLDataset methods short descriptions below: Derived from TDataSet Returns a pointer to the buffer for the active record. Adds a new, empty record to the end of the dataset. Adds a new, populated record to the end of the dataset and posts it to the database. Automatically posts or cancels data changes when an application changes which record in the dataset is the active record. Clears the contents of all fields for the active record. Closes a dataset. Indicates whether data-aware controls do not update their display to reflect changes to the dataset. Marks the internal cursor position as invalid. Deletes the active record and positions the cursor on the next record. Disables data display in data-aware controls associated with the dataset. Enables editing of data in the dataset. Re-enables data display in data-aware controls associated with the dataset. Finds a field based on its name. Searches for a specified field in the dataset. Implements a virtual method for positioning the cursor on the first record in a filtered dataset. Implements a virtual method for positioning the cursor on the last record in a filtered dataset. Implements a virtual method for positioning the cursor on the next record in a filtered dataset. Implements a virtual method for positioning the cursor on the previous record in a filtered dataset. Positions the cursor on the first record in the dataset. Frees the resources allocated for a specified bookmark. Allocates a bookmark for the current cursor position in the dataset. Fills a list with a dataset for every detail dataset that is not the value of a nested dataset field. Retrieves a specified set of field objects into a list. Retrieves a list of names for all fields in a dataset. Implements a virtual method to position the cursor on the record pointed to by a specified bookmark. Inserts a new, empty record in the dataset. Inserts a new, populated record to the dataset and posts it to the database. Indicates whether the dataset contains no records. Indicates whether a dataset is linked to a specified data source. Positions the cursor on the last record in the dataset. Positions the cursor on a record relative to the active record in the dataset. Positions the cursor on the next record in the dataset. Opens the dataset. Positions the cursor on the previous record in the dataset. Refetches data from the database to update a dataset's view of data. Refetches the active record and the records that precede and follow it. Sets the values for all fields in a record. Positions the cursor on the active record. Ensures that data-aware controls and detail datasets reflect record updates. In TMySQLDataSet Writes a dataset's pending cached updates to the database. Tests the validity of a specified bookmark. Cancels modifications to the current record if those changes are not yet posted. Clears all pending cached updates from the cache and restores the dataset its prior state. Checks the result of a call to the MySQL. Closes a database connection associated with the database. Clears the cached updates buffer. Indicates the relationship between two bookmarks. Retrieves all records from the current cursor position to the end of the file and stores them locally. Posts all changes that have been written to the record buffer. Reads BLOB data into a buffer. Retrieves the current record into a buffer. Retrieves the current value of a field into a buffer. Retrieves a internal field types defined in the DAC for MySQL modules. Retrieves information about the current index into the index data fields of the dataset. Returns the ID generated for an AUTO_INCREMENT column by the previous query. Searches the dataset for a specified record and makes that record the current record. Retrieves field values from a record that matches specified search values. Opens the database that contains the dataset. Writes a modified record to the database. Writes a modified record to the database. Sends a query for optimization prior to execution. Frees the resources allocated for a previously prepared query. Rereads the field values of the current record from a data source. Restores the current record in the dataset to an unmodified state when cached updates are enabled. Sorts opened dataset on client side without refetching data from server. Converts a data string between the ANSI character set used by Delphi (and Windows), and the local code page (OEM character set). Reports the update status for the current record. |