

General Questions

What is DAC for MySQL?
DAC for MySQL(tm) (also known as MySQLDAC) is the most powerful component suite for Delphi/C++Builder and MySQL. This component suite allows you to create Delphi/C++Builder applications with direct access to MySQL DB without BDE and ODBC.
Where can I obtain a trial version of DAC for MySQL?
You can always download the latest version of DAC for MySQL at its Download Page.
What functionality limitations does the trial version of DAC for MySQL have?
The trial version of DAC for MySQL has no trial functionality limitations except a nag screen, appearing at establishing initial connection to the database.
How can I purchase DAC for MySQL?
The best way to purchase DAC for MySQL is to get online registration through a third party billing service provided by ShareIt. ShareIt also offers you offline ordering options - by phone, mail, fax, wire and PO (if applicable). You can also purchase DAC for MySQL in bundles with other our products for MySQL. Please find all the details at the Order Page.
What support is available for DAC for MySQL?
We provide our customers with efficient and high-professional e-mail support, which is absolutely free. Whether you have any questions about DAC for MySQL, or you want to report a bug, feel free to do it through the Support System.
How can I subscribe/unsubscribe to/from your newsletter?
To join the DAC for MySQL mailing list, please visit our Newsletter Page.
What versions of Delphi/C++ Builder does DAC for MySQL support?
DAC for MySQL supports Delphi 5, 6, 7, Delphi 2005 Win32 edition and C++ Builder 5, 6.

Technical Questions

Do I need to have the libmysql.dll library on my computer to work with DAC for MySQL?
No. DAC for MySQL does not require any additional libraries to work with MySQL.
Why not just use the BDE/ODBC scheme?
Application created with DAC for MySQL works faster, can work with BLOBs correctly and is more reliable (we mean possible BDE versions conflicts and lost/destroyed ODBC profiles). Thus, it requires less support resources. For details take a look at http://www.kylecordes.com/bag/whynotbde2.html
Do I need to install a MySQL server on my PC for use DAC for MySQL with Delphi or C++Builder?
If you want to develop your application with DAC for MySQL and have not access to existing MySQL server, we suggest you to install it on your workstation or on another computer in your network.Certainly, local installation of MySQL is more convenient for development purposes.
Does DAC for MySQL support transactions?
Yes. Transactions are supported for some types of MySQL tables (InnoDB, BDB on MAX version of MySQL server). Use appropriate type of your table and transactions will be supported.
Can I update/Edit a MySQL database hosted on an Internet Website?
There is no difference if MySQL server is installed on your workstation, on server in your home/office network or on another server connected to the Internet. You have to know a server name or its IP-address and need access rights to MySQL databases.
But you should take in account that when ISP speaks about access to MySQL, this means that you can get access to MySQL from localhost to localhost only (e.g., from your PHP-based web site to MySQL server on the same ISP's computer). If you are going to access to remote database from your Delphi application, your IP must be allowed to connect to the database in MySQL server settings.
I've purchased full version of DAC for MySQL, but I keep getting the nag screen!
You have to rebuild your project (not compile it again, this action will change nothing!):- open your project;- go to menu item "Project", item "Build " in drop-down menu and click on it.
I have tried to install DAC for MySQL to Delphi 6 personal edition without success.
Personal Edition does not support Database calls.
If you try to use two separate TMySQLDatabase components pointing to different MySQL servers (on different machines) but where the database name is the same it throws up an error 'There is a duplicate database name'.
You should set HandleShared property in True.
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