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PostgresDAC 3.12 is available

PostgresDAC - 01/18/2022
This maintenance release updates client, dump and restore libraries and introduces support for PostgreSQL 14.1 functionality

DAC for MySQL 3.3.2 is out!

DAC for MySQL - 11/24/2021
DAC for MySQL 3.3.2 meets RAD Studio 11 Alexandria!

PostgresDAC 3.11 meets RAD Studio 11 Alexandria and PostgreSQL 14!

PostgresDAC - 10/08/2021
This release introduces support for RAD Studio 11 Alexandria and PostgreSQL 14 major versions

Database Designer for PostgreSQL 1.16 is out

Database Designer for PostgreSQL - 07/19/2021
This maintenance release is focused on improving usability and fixing bugs.

PostgresDAC 3.10 is available

PostgresDAC - 07/15/2021
This maintenance release updates client, dump and restore libraries and introduces support for PostgreSQL 13.3 functionality

DAC for MySQL 3.3.1 is released

DAC for MySQL - 02/21/2021 15:13:33
This release includes the following improvements and bug fixes.

PostgresDAC 3.9 meets PostgreSQL 13!

PostgresDAC - 09/25/2020
This release introduces support for the new PostgreSQL 13 major version

PostgresDAC 3.8 meets RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney!

PostgresDAC - 07/15/2020
This release includes RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney and PostgreSQL 12 support

DAC for MySQL 3.3.0 is out!

DAC for MySQL - 07/08/2020
This release includes Rad Studio 10.4 support, SSL improvements and bug fixes.

EtherSensor 6.0.16204

Microolap EtherSensor - 05/05/2020
EtherSensor 6.0.16204

DAC for MySQL 3.2.1 is out!

DAC for MySQL - 02/19/2020
This release includes bug fixes and some internal changes.

PgMDD 1.15 meets PostgreSQL 12

Database Designer for PostgreSQL - 11/12/2019
This release introduces support for the new PostgreSQL 12 major version.

PostgresDAC 3.7 meets PostgreSQL 12

PostgresDAC - 10/23/2019
This release introduces support for the new PostgreSQL 12 major version

PostgresDAC 3.6 is available

PostgresDAC - 07/23/2019
This maintenance release updates client, dump and restore libraries and introduces support for PostgreSQL 11.4 functionality

EtherSensor 5.2.3987

Microolap EtherSensor - 06/19/2019
EtherSensor 5.2.3987

TCPDUMP for Windows version 4.9.2 build 5072

Microolap TCPDUMP - 06/10/2019
TCPDUMP for Windows version 4.9.2 build 5072

DAC for MySQL 3.2.0 with Rio support is out!

DAC for MySQL - 05/30/2019
This release introduces RAD Studio Rio 10.3 and MySQL 8 support, bug fixes were found in the beta version and some internal changes.

PostgresDAC 3.5 meets RAD Studio 10.3 Rio!

PostgresDAC - 04/03/2019
This release includes RAD Studio 10.3 Rio and PostgreSQL 11 support. New installer introduced

PgMDD 1.14 meets PostgreSQL 11

Database Designer for PostgreSQL - 12/28/2018
This release introduces preliminary support for PostgreSQL v11

PostgresDAC 3.4.6 is out!

PostgresDAC - 09/04/2018
This release introduces support for the latest PostgreSQL 10.5 version.
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