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Specifies an SQL statement to use to refresh a single record.


property RefreshRecordSQL: TStrings;


Set RefreshRecordSQL to an SQL statement to use when refresh a single record from a database. Statements can be parameterized queries. To create a statement at design time, use the RefreshRecordSQL editor to create statements, such as:

SELECT o.OrderNo, o.CustNo, c.Company FROM orders o
LEFT JOIN dbdemos.customer c ON o.CustNo = c.CustNo
WHERE o.CustNo = :OLD_CustNo and OrderNo = :OLD_OrderNo

At run time, an application can write a statement directly to this property to set or change the RefreshRecord statement.

note As the example illustrates, RefreshRecordSQL supports an extension to normal parameter binding. To retrieve the value of a field as it exists prior to application of cached updates, the field name with 'OLD_'. This is especially useful when doing field comparisons in the WHERE clause of the statement.